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UK is overall a very tolerant and welcoming country and friendly to immigrants & visitors from all parts of planet. UK (along with U.S. and Europe) donates a lot of money for Developing Parts of planet, which is often neglected in sensational news hungry media reports. In author’s opinion , UK scores much higher on Human Rights Protection Scale than many other countries the author has visited so far. If you wish to further enhance your knowledge about UK’s efforts for the developing and under-developed parts of the world then please checkout the following websites
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Note: If you are a vegetarian, you should always ask before buying any food item as name of some food items can be misleading. e.g Cheese Burger and many Mc Donald’s Milkshakes (e.g. Strawberry) are also Not VEG.
Veg marked Sandwiches here can have Eggs. There are two kinds of vegetarian terms used here
1) Vegetarian – No-Meat, But Egg is OK and products from Animal Milk are also OK.
2) Vegans – Only Plant products, NO Meat, NO FIsh, No Animal Product like Eggs or Milk, Yogurt etc.

What you might call Vegetarian In Asia is actually known as Hindu-Vegetarian (food option offered in most flights) here.

Emergency No is 999 here. (112 in europe). When you call 999, Operator asks for police or ambulance? If you say Police then call is transferred to Police Department. If you find understanding their accent difficult then you can always ask them to let you talk to someone who speaks Spanish/Portuguese/Chinese/Hindi etc.

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