You can Call most international countries direct for 2p/min from BT/Virgin*/TalkTalk* landline/phonebooth – 0844 838 2718 – no pin needed. From Mobile txt ‘phonefriend’ to 80041. You will be charged £3 on your mobile bill and will receive a Pin and Access No. Always the lowest rate and best quality call on these Nos.
*Note:Please confirm call charges with Virgin and Talktalk before you make a call on 0844 no.
Most people stay stuck with BT even when some other providers give you a better landline deal.
(Note: You are free to choose any broadband provider with following landline service providers. For Broadband we recommend SkyTV+Broadband, Virgin & O2 ).
1)PostOffice-Landline – No 12 month contract. Same Line rental as BT (£10.50),Call Free and Unlimited to UK Mobiles and 20 Countries (Inc U.S., Canada and Europe) On Weekends Plus Evening UK landline Free.
2)Talk Talk – 12 month Contract – same line rental as BT (£10.50 + *£2.65 after 12 months), Evening and Weekend Free, Plus Call Anytime to 36 international destinations (including US, Canada, Australia)!
Call your family in (Asia, Europe, or Any Country Like China, Japan, Brazil etc) Unlimited If You Have Broadband Connection (128 kbps+) there for £5.99 Per Month Only.
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On an average newcomers to UK Spend £30/Month on calling cards for calls to their family in Home Country. Two months of that expenditure is almost equivalent of 12 months of unlimited calls to One fixed internet-enabled house in Home Country using the following method.
Here is How it works, In Simple words
1) You get a Vonage Box and a UK landline No. (0207, 0208, 0203) assigned to it.
2) You plugin the Vonage Box to any broadband connection/router (in your home country where you family and friends live)
3) You connect a normal home touchtone phone to Vonage Box. That phone becomes the Assigned Vonage UK Landline No.
4) Now, whoever calls that Assigned Vonage UK (0207, 0208, 0203) landline No, will reach the Vonage Box and the TouchTone Phone at the receving end.
5) You can use that normal touchtone phone to call any UK Landline No for unlimited time. It doesn’t matter if that touchphone and Vonage Box is not in UK. It can be anywhere. All you need there is a Broadband Connection (256Kbps +). So You can Travel with you Vonage Box and stay in touch with your friends in U.K..
6) Add £2 to ur plan and call U.S. and Canada Unlimited too. If ur Bros/Cuzs/Family is scattered in UK/U.S./Canada then Its best to send a Vonage Box back home. Can save a lot of money in international family calls.
7) Plus Free Vonage to Vonage Calls.
Best UK Mobile Phone Deals on Internet are at DialAPhone Or Mobiles.co.uk Or Lebara Pre-Paid Sim
http://www.asda-phones.co.uk/ – For UK Use only – ASDA Pay-As-You-GO is cheapest
It will always cost you to call NON-PC destinations backhome unless the Target Mobile Phone is Running SKYPE/FRING/GIZMO on it.
From PC – http://voicecheap.com is probably cheapest.
From Symbian Mobile /Win Mobile PDA – Fring is a very good option to voicechat for free.
3Skypephone – Three network offers Free SKype to Skype calls on their network.
Or make a complete free call to U.S. Thru rebtel – here is how – http://www.rebtel.com/en/How-
Or You can get a O2 Pay Monthly Sim (No mobile phone with it- Only 30days contract) – with unlmited landline minutes addon + rebtel account (voice quality) is good. . makes a cheap & best combination to call outside UK.
If your people backhome can use PC, then going with 3Skypephone is best option.
Editor’s choice:-
3Network Phone for family. They use PC at home.
Rebtel account for any other call to Europe/Asia or elsewhere.
If you need to find the international access code for a country, click here.
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