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Find the cheapest flights to Europe:-
www.skyscanner.com Covers Easyjet, RyanAir and all major budget Airlines
There are usually no paper tickets for discount airline flights (you should print out your internet booking).
Cheap flights may be “non-refundable”, which means that you cannot get your money back if you need to cancel. However, if you cancel you should be able to receive back your tax and airport charges – you will need to write to the airline to claim this money back.
For a list of budget airlines routes from each UK airport, see: http://www.flycheapo.com/flights/united-kingdom
You can find budget airline routes between any two European countries or airports using the search tool at: http://www.flycheapo.com
Top 10 Honeymoon Trips – Expedia’s Famous Travel Packages
STA Travel UK specialises in travel for students or people under 26 years old. They have negotiated with some airlines to get special discounts or more flexible tickets for these customers. You may need to have an International Student Identity Card (ISIC) or an International Youth Identity Card (IYIC) for some of the offers: when you buy online you will need to send proof that you are a student or under 26 before your ticket can be sent to you.
Low cost, Prestige VIP Meet n Greet Parking Service At heathrow
http://www.airportdirect.org/ another good + cheap pickup service
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Best Debit/credit card to use abroad
For maps in europe
An interesting search engine http://kartoo.com/
#####Post Office’s Travel Checklist#####
360money – another Good supplier of Pre-Paid Credit cards which anyone can get!
Don’t go on holiday without…
…our handy checklist of travel essentials. Ten top tips for your most enjoyable holiday yet
1. Online check in – Checking in online can save you loads of time at the airport. You can drop your luggage off in a designated area at the airport, or better still, just take hand luggage and start your holiday while everyone else is waiting for their bags!
2. Luggage love – Don’t lose your luggage or walk off with someone else’s. Get a really distinctive suitcase, or decorate yours with colourful straps and ribbons. If you don’t want to put your address on your suitcase, just put a mobile number instead.
3. In flight essentials – Your holiday experience begins on the flight. Take ear plugs, eye mask and travel pillow for sleeping on the plane, and socks and a jumper to keep warm.
4. First aid kit – As well as any prescription medicines, remember to pack paracetamol, plasters, insect repellent and dehydration sachets.
5. Spare juice – You’ll need batteries or the charger for your camera, MP3 player, laptop or handheld computer. Make sure they’re charged up, take spares and a battery charger, and don’t forget the right adapter for the country you’re going to.
6. Extra eyes – Lose your glasses and sightseeing loses its edge. Take a spare pair with you, it’s a requirement in some European countries if you’re the designated driver. Contact lens wearers should go disposable. You won’t have to worry about losing a lens or carry solution around with you.
7. The right suncream – Take suncream that’s the right strength for your skin. Cancer Research recommends at least SPF15, higher for children, people with fair skin or lots of moles or freckles.
8. A pre booked parking space – For the ultimate in convenience, pre book a guaranteed parking space at the airport. A Meet and Greet service is ideal if you’ve got lots of luggage and/or kids.
9. Connections – Don’t get stung when making calls, sending texts or using the Internet on holiday. Ask your network provider if your phone will work abroad and what the charges are. Remember that it can cost as much as £1 per minute even to receive calls abroad. The moneysupermarket.com guide to international roaming
10. Travel Insurance – Your own travel insurance is essential, even if you have an EHIC card. It’s your peace of mind in case your luggage gets lost, or someone in your family becomes ill.
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